
Power of Youth Charter Update

Date of Meeting:

10th January 2022

Report of:

Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning

Contact Officer:


Debbie Corbridge


01273 292953



Ward(s) affected:






1.1      The purpose of this report is to provide an update on progress made towards the action points within the Power of Youth Charter Action Plan.



2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


2.1      That this Committee notes the progress made in the report, against the action points to increase young people’s voice and empower them to make decisions on issues that impact on them




3.1       The Power of Youth Charter is based on insights gathered from #iwill campaign partners and #iwill Ambassadors; it provides a framework for organisations to empower more young people to shape decisions, take social action and make a positive difference. 


3.2       The Power of Youth Charter invites organisations to commit to growing the power of youth in the following areas:


Prioritise supporting young people to take social action

Open up our decision-making structures

Work collaboratively with other organisations

Evidence the benefits of youth social action

Recognise and celebrate young people’s impact


3.3       It was agreed at the Children & Young People and Skills Committee in January 2021 that Brighton & Hove City Council would sign up to the Power of Youth Charter.


3.4       In addition, the Youth Participation report was presented to the Children, Young People and Skills Committee in November 2020. This noted the current youth participation opportunities in the city and agreed the action plan developed by young people that will further increase young people’s involvement in making decisions that impact on them.


3.5       The full report (see appendix) details the progress made toward the Power of Youth Charter since January 2021.


3.6      A summary of the progress made against the actions within Power of Youth Charter action plan are as follows:


3.7       Prioritise supporting young people to take social action:


Ø  Youth Council membership has significantly increased, and progression being made towards the environmental campaign

Ø  Children in Care Council have met regularly. 20% of young people in care aged 13-17 participated in a survey resulting in a young person presenting the findings to the Corporate Parenting Board that will help to bring about positive change

Ø  Care Leavers Forum are actively involved with the Corporate Parenting Board and presented their findings of the Care Leavers Offer review that has resulted in a revised offer. One member will be elected to co-chair the Corporate Parenting Board

Ø  The Youth Service Grants Programme recommissioning process was concluded in July 2021. £416,800 was available with all areas and equality groups receiving an increase

Ø  The Youth Participation Team, funded by the Council provide opportunities for young people’s voices to be heard using various approaches

Ø  £110k was available to distribute as part of the Youth Led Grants Programme where young people lead on the distribution on this funding


3.8       Open up our decision-making structures:


Ø  Actions noted in the Youth Participation Action Plan are being progressed, including youth providers coordinating their offers, working with the Communication Team to plan how to better promote youth council activities (both the beach clean and induction day received publicity), increased links with schools via the Youth Councillors and working with young people and the web team to improve the Councils youth web pages.

Ø  Guidance to support a mentoring programme is being agreed and will be finalised very soon

Ø  Work is going ahead to ensure Youth Councillors roles, responsibilities and work is clearly displayed on a Youth Council webpage

Ø  Youth Council are active members of the Children, Young People and Skills Committee and the Care Leaver Forum are active members of the Corporate Parenting Board


3.9       Work collaboratively with other organisations:


Ø  Commissioned youth providers are working to particular outcomes including working with young people to ‘improve decision making, voice, advocacy and democratic engagement which is monitored regularly.

Ø  Youth providers have met four times to discuss progressing youth participation in the city and have plans to achieve this



3.10    Evidence the benefits of youth social action:


Ø  This report will be presented to the Children, Young People and Skills committee in January 2022. Progress will continue to be monitored.


3.11    Recognise and celebrate young people’s impact:


Ø  There have been several events publicising the work of young people over the year via social media, Council website and local media

Ø  Two youth providers currently offer digital badges to recognise young people’s achievements. There are plans to extend this to all projects

Ø  The next Child in Care Award Ceremony is planned for 11th February 2022 at the i360. There was not an event in 2021 due to Covid


3.12    Young people and youth providers will be reviewing the actions and identifying next steps that will further progress this work early in January 2022


3.13    Young people have said that this process has given young people opportunities to grow and achieve whilst making significant contributions to agenda items that impact on their lives





4.1      The report provides evidence of significant progress made towards actions

outlined in the Power of Youth Charter; however, there is still further progress to be made against some actions and these need to be followed up on in the next couple of months.




5.1       Young people are consulted through the Youth Council, YouthWise and various youth projects run by the commissioned youth providers in the city.




6.1      This has been a positive experience for all members of youth services,

empowering and enabling young people to have a say and impact on decisions that impact on them.


6.2       The report identifies the key areas for celebration and improvement and highlights the commitment already made by young people, Council, community, and voluntary sector youth providers to hearing and valuing the voices of young people.




Financial Implications:


7.1         There are no financial implications as a result of the recommendations of this report.


            Finance Officer Consulted:     David Ellis                                     Date: 10/12/21


Legal Implications:


7.2         Section 507b of the Education Act 1996 places a specific duty on the Council to secure ‘as far as reasonably practicable’ sufficient educational and recreational activities for the improvement of young people’s well-being, and sufficient facilities for such activities. Young people are defined as those aged 13-19, and those with learning difficulties to age 24. The council also has alegal obligation to and to make sure young people have a say in the local offer. Progressing the Power of Youth Charter Action Plan will assist in fulfilling these duties.


            Lawyer Consulted: Natasha Watson        Date: 23.12.21









1.         Report on the progress made against the Power of Youth Charter Action Plan